Transforming failing landing pages

B2B, SaaS, Web
Intuit '24 mockup image
Improving landing pages with targeted, data-informed messaging
Frustrated with managing employee benefits on our platform, many customers were canceling their subscriptions. In response, we launched automated, integrated benefits. However, the initial landing pages didn’t address customer concerns about guidance, time constraints, and affordability, leading to poor page performance.

I led the redesign of these pages, leveraging data and user testing to craft clear value propositions, strategically overhaul the information hierarchy, and deliver compelling messaging. This revamp resulted in a 10% increase in conversion rates and boosted subscriber growth.
Content Designer
Product Designers, Product Managers, Developers
4 months, Launched November 2023
Intuit '24 mockup image
Business owners were frustrated with managing their employees’ benefits
What it was like to manage health insurance, 401(k) plans, and workers’ comp within QuickBooks:
Manually entering data gif
Manually entering data
Time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to complete
Switching between platforms gif
Switching between platforms
Hard to keep track of, disrupted workflow, and annoying
It was so frustrating that customers were canceling their QuickBooks plan
A significant portion of QuickBooks cancellations were linked to poor employee benefits integration, with these customers reporting a satisfaction score 10 points below the company average.
We rolled out a solution, but customers were reluctant to use it
To address their frustrations, QuickBooks launched automated, integrated benefits. However, the initial landing pages struggled to engage customers. When we asked customers why, these were the key barriers:
Lack of guidance
Customers doubted QuickBooks could match the expertise of broker
They assumed costs were out of their budget as a small business
Many were unaware of QuickBooks' employee benefits offerings
Researching and comparing plans would be too arduous
We needed to clearly define the value of switching to our partners
Recognizing these customer hesitations, we set out to revamp the employee benefits and workers’ comp landing pages to effectively address their concerns and highlight the value of switching to our partners, rather than staying with their current plans. This was our starting point.
Benefits landing page before
I initially approached this project as a straightforward content refresh
I collaborated with product marketing to repurpose sales and promotional materials, crafting the value propositions, while partnering with product design to restructure the page for better readability.

However, I kept much of the content unchanged and overlooked a clear content strategy focused on addressing customer needs. It quickly became evident that this was a big mistake.
Manually entering data gif
This made it difficult to explain my rationale to stakeholders
After delivering my content, I received mixed feedback and shifting directions from legal, marketing, PMs, and senior leadership. Suggestions ranged from prioritizing different value propositions to changing the CTA and reordering bullet points.

Lacking a clear content strategy, I struggled to provide strong rationale for my content decisions, resulting in wasted time and unnecessary complexity in the project.
Figma commentsFigma comments
Figma commentsFigma comments
Figma commentsFigma comments
So, I revisited my approach and developed a clear content strategy
As the project deadline neared, I found myself focused more on addressing stakeholder feedback than refining the content itself. Realizing this misstep, I pivoted and restarted with a fresh approach. I prioritized developing a data-driven content strategy.

By incorporating prior marketing messaging, stakeholder input, and customer research, I developed multiple content strategies and rigorously tested them. I led research efforts, conducting A/B tests, money tests, and interviews with 60 participants to validate the direction and ensure impact.
Exploration screens, cards
Based on testing, I pinpointed the things customers cared about
Accurate deductions
Wished to free up valuable time and improve cash flow
Expert guidance
Wanted to be able to talk to an expert for further questions
Lack of guidance
Wanted a swift and straightforward plan implementation process
Needed assurance of affordable plan options
And I uncovered key insights about tone and information density
More info gif
Wanted to read more info
Preferred to see all details upfront rather than searching for more
Tangible benefits gif
Favored simple language
Valued clear benefits over emotionally appealing language
Final design
Leveraging this new customer data, I transformed the landing pages
User testing uncovered the ideal information hierarchy, the most resonant value props and the copy that drove the highest engagement. Armed with these insights, I launched redesigned pages featuring attention-grabbing headlines and clear, supportive content.

I applied this strategy across the entire customer journey—from onboarding to emails, tooltips, and sunset messages—creating a cohesive and impactful experience at every touchpoint.
Check out prototype
The before mockup
The after mockup
Our project wrapped up and we achieved some great outcomes
Conversion rate
Achieved a 10% conversion rate within one month, surpassing the typical 8% rate over four months.
Increase in subscribers
Saw a 40% increase of active US Payroll subscribers using 2+ integrations with 6 months.
Connected plans
5% of small business customers connecting to 1+ preferred benefits partners.
Quality content is centered on solving customer problems
This journey taught me that at the heart of every successful product is a deep commitment to understanding and meeting customer needs. What began as a “simple” content rewrite evolved into a strategic, data-backed messaging initiative.

By prioritizing content quality and rigorous customer research, we achieved significant improvements and gained valuable insights into user-centered design. This project demonstrates how strategic, data-driven content design can transform user experiences and drive business growth.